[Replay] Mike Roy on the Common Myths Artist Believe, How to Overcome Those Beliefs, and Finding the Perfect Niche for Your Creative Business
This is a replay of episode 28 with Mike Roy. Mike Roy is an expert on the myths that hold artists back. He has explored, examined, and dissected these ideas, and explains how they hold us back from our true potential. There's a lot we can learn from Mike, so check out our great conversation.
Mike Roy is the creator of Artist Myth, a site dedicated to helping artists overcome the things that hold them back. In this episode, Mike talks about the common myths artists believe, what people can do to overcome those myths, and how to find work you love.
Here are three things you can learn from Mike:
Overcoming common artist mythsArtists who want to make a career out of their art must first overcome the ideas that hold them back. According to Mike, the best way to do this is to ask questions.
Far too often we let others influence our beliefs. If you truly want to become an empowered and inspired artist, you must discover it for yourself. Don’t believe everything you hear.
How do you do this? First you must ask why, then you must follow up and find out why. This allows you to make your own informed and educated opinions.
How to find your creative nicheMany people want to live a creative and fulfilling life, but don’t know where to start. If you are in this boat, you can follow Mike’s three spotlight method for finding the work you love.
First comes your passion. If you want to live an inspired life, you must find out what gets you excited.
Second is your talents. What are you good at? How can you use these things to fulfill your creative purpose?
Last, you must find your market. Discover those who want what you have to offer. They are your tribe.
When you are able to combine these three things, you can begin to build a business around them.
What to do with your passion, talent, and marketIt’s very hard to combine your passion, talent, and market. If you already know them, you are ahead of most people, and now it’s time for you to take action.
This is where many people fall off the wagon. They can pin point everything they need, but they find it hard to do the work. But that is the most important, and most difficult part.
You do this by putting your work out their and getting validation from it. If you want to know if people will buy your work, you must put it out there.
Doing this will give you valuable feedback on what people like and don’t like about your work. You can use this to grow your business and become a better artist.
Read more shownotes with Mike Roy